Pulaski County Special School District has a duty to identify, refer, evaluate and if eligible, provide a free, appropriate public education to disabled students according to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. For additional information about the rights of parents of eligible children, or for answers to any questions you might have about identification and evaluation for Section 504 services, please contact the Building Level 504 Coordinator.
Download the Section 504 Manual
District Section 504 Coordinator Ms. Quynci Williams at 501.234.2111 or by e-mail at
Maumelle Feeder
School Name | Designee | Phone | |
Crystal Hill Elementary | Laura Pierce | ||
Oak Grove Elementary | PaulMc Cowan | ||
Pine Forest Elementary | Susan Caldwell | ||
Maumelle Middle School | Denetha Hall | ||
Maumelle High School | Kimberly Robinson | ||
ALE 6-8 | Brady Bratcher |
Mills Feeder
School Name | Designee | Phone | |
College Station Elementary | Antoniette Thomas | ||
Daisy Bates Elementary | LaRisha Nelson | ||
Harris Elementary | Brittany Greene | ||
Landmark Elementary | Porsha Thompson | ||
Mills Middle | Roy Jackson | ||
Mills High | Charles Rimmer |
Robinson Feeder
School Name | Designee | Phone | |
Baker Elementary | Georgette Sierra | ||
Chenal Elementary | Kari Townsend | ||
Joe T. Robinson Elementary | Tammy Helmick | ||
Lawson Elementary | Randall Harris | ||
Joe T. Robinson Middle | Alexis James | ||
Joe T. Robinson High | Sheryl Turner |
Sylvan Hills Feeder
School Name | Designee | Phone | |
Cato Elementary | Felicia Mayfield | ||
Oakbrooke Elementary | Rachel Dukes | ||
Sherwood Elementary | Ann Nicholas | ||
Sylvan Hills Elementary | Dr. Yvette Dillingham | ||
Sylvan Hills High | Kelly DeVun | ||
Sylvan Hills Junior High | Leslie Ireland | ||
Sylvan Hills Middle | Janna Gibson | ||
William Jefferson Clinton Elementary | Alycia Jernigan |
No qualified handicapped (disabled) person shall, on the basis of handicap, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits, of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity which receives or benefits from Federal financial assistance.” (34 C.F.R. Part 104.4)
The Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is a national law that protects qualified individuals from discrimination based on their disability. The nondiscrimination requirements of the law apply to employers and organizations that receive financial assistance from any Federal department or agency, including the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). These organizations and employers include many hospitals, nursing homes, mental health centers and human service programs.
Section 504 defines a person with a disability as anyone who:
Has a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities such as caring for one's self, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning and working;
Has a record of such impairment or
Is regarded as having such an impairment.
Section 504 is designed to provide equal access in general education to students with disabilities, thereby leveling the playing field for them through what is known as a Section 504 Accommodation Plan. The Accommodation Plan is not a plan designed to enhance a student’s performance. It is a plan to provide fairness and equal access to education for students who have a disability.